Colour chart for t-shirt/sweater/hoodie

Jilly’s fashion t-shirt colour chart
Row A. Navy - Denim blue - Royal - Sapphire - Powder blue - Baby blue 
Row B. Black - Charcole - Dark grey - Mid grey - Light grey - White
Row C. Burgundy - Misty mauve - Purple - Lilac - Fucshia - Bubblegum - Baby pink
Row D. Vintage red - Red - Orange - Burnt orange - golden yellow - Yellow - Acid wash yellow
Row E. Apple green - Lime - Mint green - Forest green - khaki - Sage - Olive 
Row F. Chestnut - Chocolate Brown - Camel - Beige

Please note; All colours are avaiable as adult t-shirt. Colours become less available for adults sweaters and hoodies. See below

Jilly’s colour chart for sweater and hoodies
 Kids colours are as seen below;

Jilly’s kids colour chart